Breakfast on the Road, miles of farms.

This is basically the standard Motel Breakfast. I must say it does keep you regular if you eat the right items. And it does hold you till lunch time on the road.. Most of the roads we have been on have been smooth. And maybe I mentioned this before but I have only seen 4 pieces of paper on the highways.
Most are two lanes going one way with a large grass strip down the center, and two going the other way on the other side of the grass strip.  We have been blessed with good weather so far but know we will get rain soon.

Speeds are well posted and most of the highways are 80 miles an hour. Yes, of course there are big trucks and even with 3 trailers. I tried to video once.. but need a younger person to show me what I am doing wrong. We are staying out of big cities, no reason to go there.
We had plans of exercising, But the times we wanted to swim it was loaded with kids..Most pools have been inside also. Walking, well that has not happened much either.
However, Walmart makes a good store to walk in. As long as you don't buy anything, you can go from one side of the store to the other thru aisles and enjoy what is new to see.
We stopped in some town because it looked like rain, and bought me a rain jacket , might just come in handy.. Although the way it rains in the East and South, I doubt that any jacket would help till then I do have it in the car. Mostly just wearing Bermudas and sandals.  My right arm is getting tanner then my left.. Other than that we are buzzing along.
