Fabric Dyeing Class, next week

Our dog Mr. Wolfe is very patient and loves to be out side.. He can not be there alone, because he eats rocks.. Weird!

I wash out my jars and first rinse of the dyed fabrics in the yard.. because we have a septic.. It will not hurt the septic, just don't want the added water... So I do the old fashioned, pioneer way, except that I have a hose, and not taking it to the river as they do in so many places in the world..

Procion dyes are harmless once wet.. We have a wonderful time, sharing and experiencing the joys of bright colored fabrics. We join together after the fabric dyeing for a great salad luncheon. Each time it changes depending on what the gals bring to add to the lettuce, bread and juice that I provide. Come have fun! Email me at vivianhelena@sti.net.
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