Another Wall in Timberline

Because we are showing art pieces of Yosemite, I thought of this piece I did a few years ago.. It was a series of the 4 seasons.. Winter, ( above) and Summer available, the other seasons are sold. The sparkling blue sky's and snow crystals falling on the brown earth during the winter months are what made me choose these fabrics.I used many of my hand dyes and some batiks.
Winter is one of my favorite seasons now.. Used to be summer, but as I get a bit older, the cooler months are my favorite.

Julie Mitchell has a wonderful collection of her special Spirit Figures, they are usually scattered about the gallery, but this time she grouped the ladies all together..

Below: Kathleen's wonderful colorful paintings are the happiest pieces to see. I have her "Create", piece hanging in my bedroom... Important reminder to Create the day, however, I want.

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  1. Thank you, Vivian, for your nice post. I hope everyone will stop into the gallery and see the Yosemite show!

  2. Winter is definitely looking pretty darn good right about now.
    I wish I could stop in. Your gallery has nice work.

  3. Absolutely love the 4 seasons quilt. Exquisite!


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