P.E.O. Chapter GZ

Last week our P.E.O. Chapter GZ, celebrated a recognition day for members that have been a P.E.O  for over 25 years.  Our Pres. Diane honored all of us with Certificates of Recognition.  Six of us were in attendance. We have  10 ladies that have been members for over the 25 years, with a total of 395 years. Two of our members must have started before they were born,, just kidding, but one has 57 years, and another 58 years. 

If you are not familiar with P.E.O., it is an International Philanthropic Educational Organization dedicated to promoting the education of women. We have six philanthropies that include the ownership of Cottey College, and many scholarships are given away annually.  If you know of a young woman wanting to go to college. Be sure and contact the college in Nevada, Mo. for information or contact P.E.O in your state.

As a part of the celebration one of our members baked the Suela Pearson's Applesauce Cake.
There are a few differences, our member baked ours in an electric oven, not on a wood stove. With a wood stove, baking time was 1 hour.. Each of us received a pamphlet with the recipes that were the founding ladies favorites. 

Suela was just one of the seven founding ladies. Do you know when P.E.O. started?
Check it out on the net,  contact International P.E.O., or check with your State.

While we were eating our lunch and delicious cake, the weather took a turn.
By the time I got my camera out, the hail storm had lightened. We scattered, because many have a 3,000ft. hill to drive over to reach home.

My husband and I had to go the other direction to Fresno that same afternoon, and look at the weather here..
One never knows when living in the mountains what the weather will be like.

Hope you are toasty and warm where you are.
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  1. What a great organization. I hadn't heard of it before. Thanks for the info.


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