Sharing Hearts

It is not hard to share a Heart.

The other day when my hubby and I were in Fresno. We wanted to pick up some maps at AAA for a trip we are planning.  The lady was a great help, but more than that she was smiling, gave ideas, and thoughts about the trip we had in mind.
 She was full of suggestions and you could really tell she was enjoying giving her assistance.
We were leaving and I felt I wanted to return her warmth.
 So I told her what a big help she was and how much we appreciated all that she did for us.
The smile of appreciation that she gave us for just those few little words, stayed with us the rest of the day.

And after that I mulled the episode over in my mind, it kept coming up in my thoughts.
I thought about all the people that help us, in the stores, or just during our daily travels.
How easy it is to say a few kind words.

I decided to make some watercolor hearts for those that really go the step beyond and are wonderful, friendly and helpful.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to share a "Heart". We were at the check out at our local Von's, a tough job at Easter time, with everyone running to get groceries, families, staying over etc.

We had a stack of groceries, the checker was friendly as they always are at our local store and she was sharing how she is going to work Easter, even though she has family coming. After processing our groceries, and I was walking away, I gave her a Heart.  She looked at it, and smiled, then called after us.

"You have made my Day.  Thank you"
She made both of our days. 

Happy Easter

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  1. How sweet. Those kind words and gestures can go a long, long way.


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