EBHQ Opportunity Quilts March 2016

It seems like just a few days ago, I was planning on what to bring to camp. And now I am home unpacking the unfinished projects, needles, pins,etc.  But I still have Point B and my quilt friends in my mind. We are  sending emails back and forth and checking in on Facebook.  Along with the silly photos that were taken.
No, the quilts you are seeing are not any of mine, the two above are close ups of the East Bay Heritage Quilters Quilt Opportunity Quilts. They have  Two amazing quilts.

Voices in Cloth is 2016, they are starting early to sell tickets for these quilts, and I have purchased mine. 
I wanted to let you know you can contact at EBHQVoicesInCloth@gmail.com, plan to attend, there will be 400 quilts and I hear that you will be overwhelmed with the quilts,venders etc. and the location is amazing.
