Happy Mother's Day

A friend and hubby came for dinner the other evening. They are amazing friends, they bring goodies to eat as well as beautiful flowers from her home garden. Surprisingly these lasted many days.
I know this looks sort of straggly, after the storm we had the other night. I am surprised that the Green Peas are still upright. I did tie them up a bit better.  Pansies are still blooming because it has not been too hot. 
First gathering of English Peas. They are very hard to find fresh in the store. You can find Snap peas, and many other variety's, but the old fashioned Green Pea are disappearing. So I grow them. This was an Alaskan Green Pea. I try to plant in Feb, depending on the weather. And I plant them in tubs. This year I accidentally bought some snap pea seeds. At least those will make it to the kitchen with out me eating them.. They really need to be cooked.  Now this green pea, I shell on the way up the hill to the house, so I leave a little trail along the drive.. But I still have some left for dinner tonight. I will try to cook the other pea and see how that works out.
My tomatoes made it thru the storm also, will see what kind of tomatoes are produced. This year also planted them in a pots, but in a different area. Right by the front door.  They get sun, but not the hot afternoon sun, and planted some lettuce around the tomatos. I cut a few leaves off and this is working out pretty well this time.
It is Mother's day I should be in the studio! Still  little computer things to get done.
Have a wonderful Sunny day. 
